CrypText: Teext Perturbati0ns in the Wi1d

A video of Full CrypText's features for ICDE 2023 is available at Youtube. CrypText is the first and the largest dictionary of human-written text perturbations online today. CrypText is developed by the PIKE (Penn State Information, Knowledge, and wEb) Research Group, Dr. Thai Le's Research Group at Ole Miss, in collaboration with Dr. Yifan Hu. CrypText provides the users a variety of tools to discover and utilize human-written text perturbations in the wild in a variety of downstream tasks. We also hope that CrypText will help linguists, machine learning practitioners and netizen understand how the use of languages online changes overtime. Below is the word-cloud of human-written perturbations for the word ``democrats" (randomly selected).
Website's design is motivated/adopted from
Contact: Thai Le (, Dev by Thai Le (when was at PIKE Lab)